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Win API, Registry, External programs and COM HowTo
- Get the network domain name
- Use a Java object from PB
- Use WSH-VBScript functionalities
- Check if a program is running
- Get information for the current user from ActiveDirectory
- Run a program and wait
- Create a shortcut
- Use XML
- Encode/decode URL's parameters
- Display PDF into a Window
- Write a Window Log Event
- Print a Word document
- Remove HTML tags to keep only text (with IE)
- Get CPU or other hardware/software infos (with WMI)
- Use MQSeries
- Terminate a Windows application
- Get the current user email using Active Directory
- Get a value from a JSON String
- Get a value from a REST service
- Use Regular Expression from Powerscript
- External program
- Win API/Registry
- Get a list of printers installed
- Use file association to start an application
- Shutdown from application
- Start the screen saver
- Get the CDROM drive letter
- Get the user name and the computer name
- Drive mapping to UNC notation
- Make a program sleep
- Call HtmlHelp
- Maximize a frame
- Make a window popup "on top"
- Make the "hourglass" cursor stay
- Move a window without a titlebar
- Convert ANSI to Oem character set
- Send keystroke to a control
- Return an ERRORLEVEL to a BAT file
- Change screen resolution
- Determine what is the decimal or hundred separator at runtime
- Move the mouse cursor
- Disable the MouseWheel ZOOM function
- Set the system date/time
- Remove the Close item in the system menu.
- Flash a Window Title bar
- Detect if an application is already running
- Retrieve error from calling a Win API
- Use the default MAPI profile
- Set and retrieve the executable version
- Get the application PID
- Create and use a C DLL (MSVC6)
- Use Windows Resources from a DLL
- Get the IP address
- Use Windows Debug API
- Animate a Window
- Use Microsoft Crypto API
- Scroll a Window
- Get OS version
- Retrieve the Regional Setting w/o using the Registry
- Make a window unmoveable
- Retrieve window handle by its title
- Have a transparent window
- Bypass Window Error popup message
- Get hard disk serial number
- Make a selected item in a ListView visible
- Get the CPU speed
- Disable the logon and logoff button
- Disable the screensaver
- List Windows processes or services
- Terminate a Windows process
- Terminate a Windows application
- Control CD audio tray, play MP3 file
- Detect if user is using Terminal Server
- Detect if a network is present
- Detect network and/or internet connectivity state
- Detect Caps Lock state
- Set or Unset the keyboard numlock and read its state
- Convert Win API calls to PB10
- Hide a window from the Windows task list
- Get the number of items in a Treeview
- Detect if the current user is a member of the Administrator's group
- Resize a window because XP window title is bigger
- Convert the datatypes from Microsoft Win API to PowerBuilder
- Allow user:password in URL
- Get the time and date from a server
- Set the wallpaper
- Scan Window titles
- Get an UUID (Universally Unique Identifiers)
- Encode/decode base64 string
- Get the executable name
- Get Network card description and Mac address
- Turn on/off the monitor
- Detect if running in 64bit OS
- Display a window on the second monitor
- Print to the console
- Launch executable and capture its handle