Display PDF into a WindowTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
Insert the "Adobe Acrobat ActiveX control" OLE control on the window.
Then to load a document from Powerscript
With a tool to explore the pdf.ocx, there are more functions :
function LoadFile(none fileName: WideString): WordBool [dispid $00000002]; stdcall; procedure setShowToolbar(none On: WordBool) [dispid $00000003]; stdcall; procedure gotoFirstPage [dispid $00000004]; stdcall; procedure gotoLastPage [dispid $00000005]; stdcall; procedure gotoNextPage [dispid $00000006]; stdcall; procedure gotoPreviousPage [dispid $00000007]; stdcall; procedure setCurrentPage(none n: Integer) [dispid $00000008]; stdcall; procedure goForwardStack [dispid $00000009]; stdcall; procedure goBackwardStack [dispid $0000000A]; stdcall; procedure setPageMode(none pageMode: WideString) [dispid $0000000B]; stdcall; procedure setLayoutMode(none layoutMode: WideString) [dispid $0000000C]; stdcall; procedure setNamedDest(none namedDest: WideString) [dispid $0000000D]; stdcall; procedure Print [dispid $0000000E]; stdcall; procedure printWithDialog [dispid $0000000F]; stdcall; procedure setZoom(none percent: Single) [dispid $00000010]; stdcall; procedure setZoomScroll(none percent, left, top: Single) [dispid $00000011]; stdcall; procedure setView(none viewMode: WideString) [dispid $00000012]; stdcall; procedure setViewScroll(none viewMode: WideString; none offset: Single) [dispid $00000013]; stdcall; procedure setViewRect(none left, top, width, height: Single) [dispid $00000014]; stdcall; procedure printPages(none from, to: Integer) [dispid $00000015]; stdcall; procedure printPagesFit(none from, to: Integer; none shrinkToFit: WordBool) [dispid $00000016]; stdcall; procedure printAll [dispid $00000017]; stdcall; procedure printAllFit(none shrinkToFit: WordBool) [dispid $00000018]; stdcall; procedure setShowScrollbars(none On: WordBool) [dispid $00000019]; stdcall; procedure AboutBox [dispid $FFFFFDD8]; stdcall;But there is no documentation about them. You can download a free SDK (you need to register) but I believe that you need the Acrobat package to fully use it.