Scan Window titlesTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
This snippet displays all Internet Explorer window titles which are opened.
[local function declaration] FUNCTION LONG GetDesktopWindow() LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION LONG GetWindow( long hWnd, long uCmd ) LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION LONG GetClassNameA & ( long hWnd, Ref String lpClassName, long nMaxCount ) & LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION LONG GetWindowTextA & ( long hWnd, Ref String lpString, long nMaxCount ) & LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION BOOLEAN IsWindowVisible( long hWnd ) LIBRARY "user32" [powerscript] long ll_Desktop,ll_Child string ls_ClassName, ls_WindowName, ls_ieopened Constant long GW_HWNDFIRST = 0 Constant long GW_HWNDLAST = 1 Constant long GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 Constant long GW_HWNDPREV = 3 Constant long GW_OWNER = 4 Constant long GW_CHILD = 5 Constant long GW_MAX = 5 Constant long MAX_WIDTH = 255 ll_Desktop = GetDesktopWindow() ll_Child = GetWindow( ll_Desktop, GW_CHILD ) ls_ieopened = "" DO WHILE (ll_Child > 0) ls_ClassName = Space(MAX_WIDTH) ls_WindowName = Space(MAX_WIDTH) // Get window classname GetClassNameA( ll_Child, ls_ClassName, MAX_WIDTH ) // Get window text GetWindowTextA( ll_Child, ls_WindowName, MAX_WIDTH ) IF ls_classname = "IEFrame" THEN ls_ieopened += ls_ClassName + "(" + ls_WindowName + ") " END IF ll_Child = GetWindow( ll_Child, GW_HWNDNEXT ) LOOP Messagebox("" , ls_ieopened)
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