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Database HowTo
- General
chevron_rightGet JDBC driver for major database vendors
chevron_rightConnect to a database via JDBC-ODBC
chevron_rightSELECT data from a table
chevron_rightINSERT data into a table
chevron_rightMODIFY data in a table
chevron_rightDELETE data in a table
chevron_rightTest for an empty ResultSet
chevron_rightGet row count from SQL
chevron_rightStore and retrieve an object from a table
chevron_rightRetrieve an Image
chevron_rightInsert an Image
chevron_rightCall a stored procedure
chevron_rightStored procedure with Input/Output parms and a ResultSet
chevron_rightFix incomplete field returned by the ResultSet
chevron_rightTransfer a ResultSet to a JTable
chevron_rightDetect SQL error or warning
chevron_rightMake DSN-less connection
chevron_rightSelect a CharSet when connecting to DBMS
chevron_rightList tables in a database
chevron_rightEnable JDBC logging
chevron_rightDetect if a table exists
chevron_rightConvert a ResultSet in XML
chevron_rightDisplay ResultSet data in an HTML Table in Servlet
chevron_rightEscape special character in a LIKE clause
chevron_rightLog the SQL Statements
chevron_rightInsert data in batch mode
chevron_rightRetrieve large ResultSet
- Date and time in JDBC
chevron_rightHandle dates
chevron_rightGet current date using JDBC
chevron_rightInsert the current date
- Excel
- Oracle
chevron_rightConnect to an Oracle database with JDBC
chevron_rightConnect to Oracle using a connection pool
chevron_rightRetrieve the generated keys (JDBC Oracle)
chevron_rightDebug Oracle JDBC connection
chevron_rightConnect to an Oracle database using Kerberos
chevron_rightIdentify the connected program to an Oracle database
chevron_rightUse a CHAR field in the WHERE clause in a PreparedStatement