Use Internet ExplorerTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
Needs PB6.5 or better. Starts the default browser as defined in your installation.
string ls_url inet iinet_base ls_url = "" GetContextService("Internet", iinet_base) iinet_base.HyperlinkToURL(ls_url)
OLEObject IE string ls_ie string ls_url IE = CREATE OLEObject IE.ConnectToNewObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ls_ie = IE.Fullname () ls_url = "" Run (ls_ie + " " + ls_url)
Provides complete control IE behaviour.
OLEObject IE IE = CREATE OLEObject IE.ConnectToNewObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.left=200 IE.height=400 IE.width=400 IE.menubar=0 IE.toolbar=1 IE.statusBar=0 IE.navigate("") IE.visible=1 // Local external function decalration // FUNCTION boolean SetForegroundWindow( long hWnd ) LIBRARY "USER32" SetForegroundWindow( IE.HWND )
Provides complete control IE behaviour. You simulate a FORM submit.using the POST method.
OLEObject IE IE = CREATE OLEObject IE.ConnectToNewObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.left=200 IE.height=400 IE.width=400 IE.menubar=0 IE.toolbar=1 IE.statusBar=0 IE.goHome IE.visible=1 DO WHILE IE.busy LOOP IE.document.Open IE.document.WriteLn("<HTML><HEAD>") IE.document.WriteLn("<SCRIPT>") IE.document.WriteLn("function go() {") IE.document.WriteLn(" document.myform.submit()") IE.document.WriteLn(" }") IE.document.WriteLn("</SCRIPT>") IE.document.WriteLn("</HEAD>") IE.document.WriteLn("<BODY onload='go()'>") IE.document.WriteLn("<FORM name='myform' ") IE.document.WriteLn("METHOD='GET' ACTION=''>") IE.document.WriteLn("<INPUT NAME='file' TYPE=HIDDEN VALUE='error.log'>") IE.document.WriteLn("</FORM>") IE.document.WriteLn("</BODY>") IE.document.WriteLn("</HTML>") IE.document.Close // Local external function declaration // FUNCTION boolean SetForegroundWindow( long hWnd ) LIBRARY "USER32" SetForegroundWindow( IE.HWND ) // IE.Quit() // IE.DisconnectObject() // DESTROY iBrowser
Some tips from rkern (thanks to him!).
Some handy properties: = <integer> IE.left = <integer> IE.width = <integer> IE.height = <integer> IE.visible = <integer> (1 - Visible/ 0 - Not Visible) IE.menuBar = <integer> (1 - Visible/ 0 - Not Visible) IE.toolBar = <integer> (1 - Visible/ 0 - Not Visible) IE.statusBar = <integer> (1 - Visible/ 0 - Not Visible)
Go To a URL:
string ls_OldURL string ls_NewURL = '' // Go to Document ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL IE.Navigate (ls_NewURL) // Wait for Document to start loading DO WHILE ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL Yield () LOOP // Wait for Document to finish Loading DO WHILE IE.Busy Yield () LOOP
-The Busy attribute does not always get set immediateley so wait for URL to change before checking the Busy attribute
- This method works as long as the OldURL and NewURL are not the same
Click on a Link with a specific display text:
integer li_link, li_link_ctr string ls_text, ls_OldURL, ls_search = 'Download Spreadsheet' // Set Match string ls_search = Upper(ls_search) // Find Link with specified Text li_link_ctr = IE.Document.Links.Length FOR li_link = 0 TO li_link_ctr - 1 ls_Text = Upper(IE.Document.Links[li_link].InnerText) // Check for Match IF ls_Text = as_Search THEN // Click the Link ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL IE.Document.Links[li_link].Click() // Wait for Document to start loading DO WHILE ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL Yield () LOOP // Wait for Document to finish loading DO WHILE IE.Busy Yield () LOOP EXIT END IF NEXT
- The Busy attribute does not always get set immediateley so wait for URL to change before checking the Busy attribute
- This method works as long as the OldURL and NewURL are not the same - Unlike PB, arrays start at index = 0 to length - 1 - Use attribute HRef if you want to match on a URL
Click on a Button with a specific display text:
integer li_form, li_form_ctr integer li_elem, li_elem_ctr boolean lb_stop string ls_text, ls_OldURL, ls_search = 'Search' any la_name, la_type, la_value // Set Match string ls_search = Upper(ls_search) // Search thru Forms li_form_ctr = IE.Document.Forms.Length FOR i = 0 TO li_form_ctr - 1 // Search thru Elements li_elem_ctr = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All.Length FOR j = 0 TO li_elem_ctr - 1 la_Name = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].GetAttribute("name") la_Type = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].GetAttribute("type") la_Value = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].GetAttribute("value") CHOOSE CASE Upper(String(la_Type)) CASE 'SUBMIT', 'RESET', 'BUTTON' ls_Text = Upper(String(la_Value)) // Check for Match IF ls_Text = ls_Search THEN // Click the Button ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].Click() // Wait for Document to start loading DO WHILE ls_OldURL = IE.LocationURL Yield () LOOP // Wait for Document to finish loading DO WHILE IE.Busy Yield () LOOP lb_Stop = TRUE EXIT END IF END CHOOSE NEXT IF lb_Stop THEN EXIT END IF NEXT
- The Busy attribute does not always get set immediateley so wait for URL to change before checking the Busy attribute
- This method works as long as the OldURL and NewURL are not the same
- Unlike PB, arrays start at index = 0 to length - 1
- Use attribute Name if you want to match on an internal HTML Name
- The Returned Values of the GetAttribute method must be ANY variables , even though they return STRINGS
Fill in a Input Field that has a specific Name:
integer li_form, li_form_ctr integer li_elem, li_elem_ctr boolean lb_Stop string ls_text, ls_search = 'Company' any la_name, la_type, la_value // Set Match string ls_search = Upper(ls_search) // Search thru Forms li_form_ctr = IE.Document.Forms.Length FOR i = 0 TO li_form_ctr - 1 // Search thru Elements li_elem_ctr = IE.Document.Forms[li_form].Elements.All.Length FOR j = 0 TO li_elem_ctr - 1 la_Name = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].getAttribute("name") la_Type = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].getAttribute("type") la_Value = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].getAttribute("value") // ls_Text = IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].InnerText CHOOSE CASE Upper(String(la_Type)) CASE 'TEXT', 'TEXTAREA', 'PASSWORD' ls_Text = Upper(String(la_Name)) // Check for Match IF ls_Text = ls_Search THEN // Set the value IE.Document.Forms[i].Elements.All[j].Value = ls_Value lb_Stop = TRUE Exit END IF END CHOOSE NEXT IF lb_Stop THEN Exit END IF NEXT
- Unlike PB, arrays start at index = 0 to length - 1
- Use attribute InnerText if you want to match on a percieved label on the field. Check each element's InnerText until a match is found and then fill in the next input field you come to (usually works).
- The Returned Values of the GetAttribute method must be ANY variables , even though they return STRINGS
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