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chevron_rightUse native code through JNI (HelloWorld)
chevron_rightPass string to/from Java to/from C
chevron_rightSet the computer clock
chevron_rightDetermine the signature of a method
chevron_rightUse arrays
chevron_rightLoad a DLL
chevron_rightUse the MouseWheel
chevron_rightThrow an exception in JNI
chevron_rightThrow my own exception in JNI
chevron_rightJNI from a Package
chevron_rightMake a Window stay on top
chevron_rightStart JVM from C
chevron_rightRetrieve environment variable (JNI)
chevron_rightGet the PID
chevron_rightClear the console, set color and cursor position (JNI)
chevron_rightCall Windows API (Open source solution)
chevron_rightPass string to/from Java to/from C
chevron_rightSet the computer clock
chevron_rightDetermine the signature of a method
chevron_rightUse arrays
chevron_rightLoad a DLL
chevron_rightUse the MouseWheel
chevron_rightThrow an exception in JNI
chevron_rightThrow my own exception in JNI
chevron_rightJNI from a Package
chevron_rightMake a Window stay on top
chevron_rightStart JVM from C
chevron_rightRetrieve environment variable (JNI)
chevron_rightGet the PID
chevron_rightClear the console, set color and cursor position (JNI)
chevron_rightCall Windows API (Open source solution)
chevron_rightDetect if a program is running (JNA)
chevron_rightClose an external windows program using JNA
chevron_rightGet Windows Special Folders (JNA)
chevron_rightCheck if current user is admin (JNA)
chevron_rightRead/Write Windows Registry (JNA)
chevron_rightStart a process as an another user using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightDetect Windows idle time using JNA
chevron_rightMove files to Windows or Mac Trash (JNA)
chevron_rightAuthenticate a user (JNA/Windows)
chevron_rightGet Windows groups (JNA/Windows)
chevron_rightGet the CPU type using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightGet file or product version of a program using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightGet the current Windows Username
chevron_rightClose an external windows program using JNA
chevron_rightGet Windows Special Folders (JNA)
chevron_rightCheck if current user is admin (JNA)
chevron_rightRead/Write Windows Registry (JNA)
chevron_rightStart a process as an another user using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightDetect Windows idle time using JNA
chevron_rightMove files to Windows or Mac Trash (JNA)
chevron_rightAuthenticate a user (JNA/Windows)
chevron_rightGet Windows groups (JNA/Windows)
chevron_rightGet the CPU type using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightGet file or product version of a program using JNA (Windows)
chevron_rightGet the current Windows Username