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Language HowTo
- General
chevron_rightHave an Alert box with new line in it
chevron_rightPrint special character like copyright sign
chevron_rightUse COOKIE to count the user access to a page
chevron_rightChange an image when clicking on it
chevron_rightCheck and Uncheck a checkbox
chevron_rightEmulate the BACK button
chevron_rightHave a simple on-screen clock
chevron_rightOpen a window with no menu, toolbar or status
chevron_rightHide a Frame
chevron_rightHide a DIV
chevron_rightHide/Show a table row
chevron_rightHighlight a table row
chevron_rightClose a window after a timeout
chevron_rightEmit a beep
chevron_rightPlay a sound
chevron_rightMake a window close itself after a delay
chevron_rightUse an apostrophe (') in the window status
chevron_rightScroll a page title for special effect
chevron_rightConvert from type X to type Y
chevron_rightHave your own error message
chevron_rightGet the user language
chevron_rightRead a data file from the server
chevron_rightInsert a text file into a page
chevron_rightInclude a file into a page
chevron_rightRead an HTML page from the server in a variable
chevron_rightDisplay a page from a variable
chevron_rightValidate an email address
chevron_rightDo simple animation
chevron_rightDetect if a window is already opened
chevron_rightEasily handle parameters in the search part of a URL
chevron_rightCall javascript from HREF
chevron_rightUse a multidimensional array
chevron_rightChange hyperlink text color
chevron_rightAdd a Watermark image to your page
chevron_rightTrap the right mouse click
chevron_rightUpdate a parent window from a child
chevron_rightRead a meta variable
chevron_rightClose a browser
chevron_rightGet the current page name
chevron_rightEncode a URL
chevron_rightCreate a rectangle
chevron_rightTest if a variable exists
chevron_rightResize an IFRAME based on its content
chevron_rightInsert a text file into a page
chevron_rightInclude a file into a page
chevron_rightInclude an external JS file from another js file or server-side process
chevron_rightSafely store Unicode characters in a Cookie
chevron_rightExpand/Collapse a List
- String
chevron_rightCompare Strings
chevron_rightRemove control characters from a string
chevron_rightRemove all token occurrences from a string
chevron_rightReplace a token by another in a string
chevron_rightUse regular expressions to validate/format a string
chevron_rightFormat a number as Money
chevron_righttrim(), endWith() or startsWith() on a String
- Date
chevron_rightHave year on 4 digits from a Date object
chevron_rightValidate a date
chevron_rightUseful date functions