Convert ANSI to Oem character setTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
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[Function declarations]
FUNCTION ulong OemToCharA(ref string source_text, ref string dest_text) &
LIBRARY "user32.DLL"
FUNCTION ulong CharToOemA(ref string source_text, ref string dest_text) &
Integer li_MaxLength
String ls_Source, ls_Dest
Long ll_Ret
ls_Source = "R" + char(130) + "al" // Ascii OEM for "Réal"
li_MaxLength = 64
ls_Dest = Space(li_MaxLength)
ll_Ret = OemToCharA(ls_Source, ls_Dest)
messagebox("OEM - > ANSI", ls_dest)
ls_Source = "Réal"
ll_Ret = CharToOemA(ls_Source, ls_Dest)
messagebox("ANSI - > OEM", ls_dest)