Scroll a WindowTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
All you have to do is to send a particular message to Windows.
Window message: WM_SCROLL 276 // Horizontal scroll WM_VSCROLL 277 // Vertical scroll Parameters: SB_LINEUP 0 // Scrolls one line up. SB_LINELEFT 0 SB_LINEDOWN 1 // Scrolls one line down. SB_LINERIGHT 1 SB_PAGEUP 2 // Scrolls one page up. SB_PAGELEFT 2 SB_PAGEDOWN 3 // Scrolls one page down. SB_PAGERIGHT 3 SB_TOP 6 // Scrolls to the upper left. SB_LEFT 6 SB_BOTTOM 7 // Scrolls to the lower right. SB_RIGHT 7 SB_ENDSCROLL 8 // Ends scroll. [powerscript] // // Scroll Window one page down // WM_VSCROLL = 277 // SB_PAGEDOWN = 3 // Send(Handle(this), 277, 3, 0)