Get the CDROM drive letterTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
[Function declarations] FUNCTION ulong GetLogicalDrives() LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll" FUNCTION uint GetDriveType( Ref String as_root_path ) LIBRARY "kernel32.dll" ALIAS FOR "GetDriveTypeA" [PB function String of_GetCDRootPath()] integer li_ctr string ls_root ulong lul_drives, lul_rem lul_drives = GetLogicalDrives() DO lul_rem = MOD(lul_drives, 2) IF lul_rem = 1 THEN ls_root = Char(li_ctr + 64) + ":\" IF GetDriveType(ls_root_path) = 5 THEN Return ls_root_path END IF li_ctr ++ END IF lul_drives /= 2 LOOP UNTIL lul_drives = 0 RETURN ""
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