Get Network card description and Mac addressTag(s): WinAPI/Registry
Using VBScript
OLEObject ole_wsh Any la_usb[] string ls_message ole_wsh = CREATE OLEObject ole_wsh.ConnectToNewObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl") ole_wsh.Language = "vbscript" ole_wsh.AddCode('Function rtnMACAddresses()~r~n' & + 'MACAddressList = "" ~r~n' + & + 'strComputer = "."~r~n' + & + 'Set objWMIService = ' + & + ' GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _~r~n' & + '& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")~r~n' & + 'Set colItems = ' & + ' objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = ~'TRUE~'")~r~n' & + 'For Each objItem in colItems~r~n' & + 'MACAddressList = MACAddressList & " | " & objItem.Description & " = " & objItem.MACAddress ~r~n' & + 'Next~r~n' & + 'rtnMACAddresses = MACAddressList~r~n' & + 'End Function') ls_message = ole_wsh.Eval("rtnMACAddresses") ole_wsh.DisconnectObject() DESTROY ole_wsh MessageBox("MAC Adress List",ls_message)
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