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Environment and tools HowTo
- General
chevron_rightRead environment variables from an application
chevron_rightRead environment variables (JDK1.5)
chevron_rightRead environment variables (JNI)
chevron_rightUse a MAKE file
chevron_rightDetect the browser/JVM type
chevron_rightFix the "Wrong magic number" error message
chevron_rightUse a precompiler "à la C" with Java
chevron_rightDetermine what are the classes actually used
chevron_rightSet the memory available to the JVM
chevron_rightGenerate the Javadoc "en français"
chevron_rightUse JDK1.5 new features
chevron_rightCheck the class version
chevron_rightGet the system properties or the JVM uptime
chevron_rightDetect if running in a 64bit JVM
chevron_rightSet the default JVM type
chevron_rightSelect a particular JRE from the command line
chevron_rightGet the current PID of a Java process (pure Java solution)
chevron_rightGet the current PID of a Java process (JNI solution)
chevron_rightGet the PIDs given a process name
chevron_rightKill a process with a PID
chevron_rightSet default value for Java property or JVM option (system wide)
chevron_rightDetect if running in debug mode
chevron_rightConfigure Java deployment with properties
- Microsoft Windows
chevron_rightWrap a Java bean in a COM object (using Sun ActiveX bridge)
chevron_rightQuery the Windows Registry (reg.exe)
chevron_rightQuery/Update the Windows Registry (hack)
chevron_rightRead/Write Windows Registry (JNA)
chevron_rightQuickly retrieve available Java JVM on a workstation (Windows)
chevron_rightDetect if a Windows service is running (capture VBS return code)
chevron_rightList currently running processes (Windows)
chevron_rightCheck if a program or process is running (Windows)
chevron_rightCheck if a process is running (Windows) using WMIC
chevron_rightWindows registry vs Java JDK/JRE installation
chevron_rightGet the current Java version from a BAT file
chevron_rightGet the Windows "My Documents" path
chevron_rightGet the Windows Desktop path
chevron_rightGet the Windows Special Folders
chevron_rightCreate an Internet Shortcut
chevron_rightGet the running JVM Path (Windows)
chevron_rightDetect the installed Office version
chevron_rightSchedule or run a Windows task
chevron_rightCheck if current user is admin (Windows)
chevron_rightCheck if current user is admin (JNA)
chevron_rightDetect if running in remote session (Windows)
chevron_rightDetect if running in a Citrix session (Windows)
- Javadoc
chevron_rightCreate a Taglet to document database access (Javadoc)
chevron_rightGenerate the Javadoc "en français"
chevron_rightDocument a package using Javadoc
chevron_rightDisplay a comment in a Javadoc
chevron_rightDisplay XML in a Javadoc
chevron_rightAdd a copyright notice to a Javadoc
- Log
chevron_rightUse a Log file
chevron_rightTrace the execution
chevron_rightTime the execution
chevron_rightLog information efficiently (with Log4J)
chevron_rightChange the logging level on-the-fly (Log4J)
chevron_rightEnable debug log level on OpenSource package(Apache Commons Logging)
chevron_rightMake a JAR executable
chevron_rightApplication with multiples Jars
chevron_rightExtract a file from a Jar
chevron_rightDetermine if running from JAR
chevron_rightGet list of classes in package (in a Jar)
chevron_rightAdd version to Jar packaging
chevron_rightUse ANT to Build a JAR with version/build number
chevron_rightInclude all jars in the classpath definition
- Browser
chevron_rightDetect browser type from an Applet
chevron_rightDetect if Java is enabled from HTML
chevron_rightSee the Java Console Window Log (Java plugin)