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Get the IP addressTag(s): WinAPI/Registry

PB 9 or less
   unsignedinteger  version
   unsignedinteger  highversion
   character  description[257]
   character  systemstatus[129]
   nsignedinteger  maxsockets
   unsignedinteger  maxupddg
   string  vendorinfo

[External function]

function int WSAStartup (uint UIVerionrequested, ref str_wsadata lpWSAdata)
library "wsock32.DLL"
function int WSACleanup() library "wsock32.DLL"
function int WSAGetLastError() library "wsock32.DLL"
function int gethostname(ref string name, int namelen) library 
function string GetHost(string lpszhost,ref blob lpszaddress) library


String ls_ip, ls_host
Blob{4} lb_host
Integer li_version, li_rc
str_wsadata lstr_wsadata

ls_host = Space(128)
li_version = 257

If WSAStartup(li_version, lstr_wsadata) = 0 Then
   If GetHostName(ls_host, Len(ls_host)) < 0 Then
      li_rc = WSAGetLastError()
      GetHost(ls_host, lb_host)
      ls_ip = String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 1, 1)))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 2, 1)))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 3, 1)))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 4, 1))))
      li_rc = 0
   End If
   MessageBox("My IP", ls_ip)
   li_rc = WSAGetLastError()
End If

NOTE : The pbws32.dll can be downloaded here. This dll was originally distributed with the FTP example in the PB5 Application Gallery (also included in the ZIP).

PB10 or more.

Small fixes are required since Powerbuilder is now unicode-based and the API used are ANSI-based.


... same ...

[External function]
function int WSAStartup (uint UIVerionrequested, ref str_wsadata lpWSAdata) &
     library "wsock32.DLL" alias for "WSAStartup;ansi"
function int WSACleanup() library "wsock32.DLL"
function int WSAGetLastError() library "wsock32.DLL"
function int gethostname(ref string name, int namelen) &
     library "wsock32.DLL"  alias for "gethostname;Ansi"
function string GetHost(string lpszhost,ref blob lpszaddress) &
     library "pbws32.dll" alias for "GetHost;Ansi"


      ls_ip = String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 1, 1),Encodingansi!))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 2, 1),Encodingansi!))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 3, 1),Encodingansi!))) + "."
      ls_ip += String(Asc(String(BlobMid(lb_host, 4, 1),Encodingansi!)))

If you have a valid Visual Studio installation, you have a special ActiveX that can be used. Drop on a window the OLE control called "Microsoft Winsock Control (MSWINSCK.OCX)" and then from Powerscript :

String ls_ip 
ls_ip = ole_1.object.LocalIP

To get the IP address from a PB component hosted by EAServer, see this HowTo