Get an UUID (Universally Unique Identifiers)Tag(s): WinAPI/Registry
Thanks to O.L.Dansereau for the tip!
UUID means Universally Unique Identifier, see this Wikipedia article for more details.
[structure definition] TYPE s_uuid FROM structure unsignedlong data1 unsignedinteger data2 unsignedinteger data3 unsignedinteger data4[4] END TYPE [local function declaration] FUNCTION long uuidCreate(ref s_uuid astr_uuid) LIBRARY "Rpcrt4.dll" & ALIAS FOR "UuidCreate" [powerscript function string of_hex(unsignedlong aul_decimal)] String ls_hex Character lch_hex[0 TO 15] = & {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', & 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'} // Check parameters IF IsNull(aul_decimal) THEN SetNull(ls_hex) RETURN ls_hex END IF DO ls_hex = lch_hex[Mod(aul_decimal, 16)] + ls_hex aul_decimal /= 16 LOOP UNTIL aul_decimal = 0 RETURN ls_hex [powerscript] long ll_rc s_uuid lstr_uuid string ls_guid = "" constant long RPC_S_OK = 0 constant long RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY = 1824 constant long RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS = 1739 ll_rc = uuidCreate(lstr_uuid) // returns // RPC_S_OK - The call succeeded. // RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY - // The UUID is guaranteed to be unique to this computer only. // RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS - // Cannot get Ethernet/token-ring hardware address for this computer. IF ll_rc <> RPC_S_OK THEN setNull(ls_GUID) // MessageBox("", "uuid create not ok ?!?") ELSE ls_GUID = right("00000000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data1), 8) ls_GUID += "-" + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data2), 4) ls_GUID += "-" + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data3), 4) ls_GUID += "-" + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data4[1]), 4) ls_GUID += "-" + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data4[2]), 4) & + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data4[3]), 4) & + right("0000" + of_hex(lstr_uuid.data4[4]), 4) ls_GUID = upper(ls_GUID) // MessageBox("", ls_guid) // output example : 00003B93-2641-477A-C99E-A2FFEBEB214A END IF
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