Launch executable and capture its handleTag(s): Win API
This HowTo launch an executable using the Win API ShellExecuteEx and retrieve the handle of the launched executable. This handle can be used later to interact with it. Like, for example, if we want to terminate it form Powerbuilder.
First define a structure for ShellExecuteEx
[structure shellexecuteinfo] long cbSize long fMask long hwnd string lpVerb string lpFile string lpParameters string lpDirectory long nShow long hInstApp long lpIDList string lpClass long hkeyClass long dwHotKey long hIcon long hProcess
FUNCTION long ShellExecuteEx(REF shellexecuteinfo lpExecInfo) & LIBRARY "shell32.dll" ALIAS FOR "ShellExecuteExW" FUNCTION long TerminateProcess(long hwndF, int exitcode) & LIBRARY "kernel32.dll"
// CONSTANT long SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME = 1 CONSTANT long SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS = 64 CONSTANT long SEE_MASK_NOASYNC = 256 CONSTANT long SW_NORMAL = 1 string ls_class, ls_verb long ll_ret shellexecuteinfo s_shellexecuteinfo s_shellexecuteinfo.cbsize = 60 s_shellexecuteinfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS s_shellexecuteinfo.hwnd = Handle(this) s_shellexecuteinfo.lpVerb = "open" s_shellexecuteinfo.lpFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" s_shellexecuteinfo.lpParameters = "--window-size=600,700 --window-position=600,200 --new-window --user-data-dir=c:/temp/x" + string(rand(100)) + " --app=" //s_shellexecuteinfo.lpDirectory="" s_shellexecuteinfo.lpClass = ls_class s_shellexecuteinfo.nShow = SW_NORMAL ll_ret = ShellExecuteEx(s_shellexecuteinfo) IF ll_ret = 0 THEN messagebox("errcode", s_shellexecuteinfo.hInstApp) ELSE messagebox("handle", String(s_shellexecuteinfo.hProcess)) TerminateProcess(s_shellexecuteinfo.hProcess, 1) END IF