Change hyperlink text colorTag(s): Language
<A HREF="../examples/blank.html" onMouseOver="'bold';" onMouseOut="'normal';"> Move over me(change to BOLD)!</A><BR> <A HREF="../examples/blank.html" onMouseOver="'green';" onMouseOut="'blue';"> Move over me (change to GREEN)!</A><BR> <style> .mystyle a:link { color: blue; text-decoration:underline; } .mystyle a:hover { color: green; text-decoration:underline; } </style> <p> <span class="mystyle"> <A HREF="../examples/blank.html" > Move over me (change to GREEN with style)!</A> </span>
See the result :
Move over me (change to BOLD)!
Move over me (change to GREEN)!
Move over me (change to GREEN with style)!