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Call IETag(s): WSH VBScript


' Display a URL 
Dim IE
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

With IE
        .navigate "" 
End With

'wait a while until IE as finished to load
Do while IE.busy

Set IE = Nothing



' start IE, and create HTML on-the-fly

Dim IE
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

With IE
        .navigate "About:Blank"
End With

'wait a while until IE as finished to load
Do while IE.busy

With IE.document
        .WriteLn "<HTML><HEAD>"
        .WriteLn "<TITLE>HELLO!</TITLE></HEAD>"
        .WriteLn "<BODY>"
        .WriteLn "<b>VBScript says </b> Hello world"
        .WriteLn "</BODY>"
        .WriteLn "</HTML>"
End With

Set IE = Nothing
Thanks to E. Girardet for this tip