Get data from the InternetTag(s): Powerscript
Create a new userobject from standard class internetresult, call it n_cst_internet.
Declare this instance variable
string is_data
With that userobject type, you need to overload the internetdata function (which will be called by the PB VM automatically). The return type is integer and the parameter is data, its type is a blob.
[integer internetdata(blob data)] is_data = string(data) RETURN 1
[integer internetdata(blob data)] is_data = String(data, EncodingANSI!) RETURN 1
Then from your script
integer li_rc inet linet_main n_cst_internet luo_data // as defined above linet_main = CREATE inet luo_data = CREATE n_cst_internet SetPointer(HourGlass!) li_rc = & linet_main.GetURL("", luo_data) SetPointer(Arrow!) IF li_rc = 1 THEN MessageBox("Data from Real's HowTo", luo_data.is_data) ELSE MessageBox("Data from Real's HowTo", "Oops rc:" + string(li_rc)) END IF DESTROY luo_data DESTROY linet_main
string httprequest,ls_header String ls_url,ls_headers long ll_ret long ll_length Blob lblb_args inet linet_main n_cst_internet luo_data linet_main = CREATE inet luo_data = CREATE n_cst_internet ls_url = "http://localhost/mypage.jsp" lblb_args = blob("foo=bar") ll_length = Len(lblb_args) ls_headers = "Content-Type: " + & "application/x-www-form-urlencoded~n" + & "Content-Length: " + String( ll_length ) + "~n~n" ll_ret = libet_main.PostURL(ls_url,lblb_args,ls_headers,8080,luo_data)
Since PB10 is using Unicode to encode characters, code designed with PB9 (which is Ansi) with the PostURL function may not work. The fix is simple, specify the Ansi encoding in the Blob function.
lblb_args = Blob("foo=bar", EncodingAnsi!)