Display tooltip in HTMLTag(s): HTML/CSS
The TITLE attribute in almost every HTML tag is used to display a tooltip.
<html><body> <img src="../images/gumby.gif" title="My name is Gumby"> <p> <a href="http://www.google.com" title="The Google Search Engine">Google</a> <p> <table title="Sales Figures"> <caption>Jan 2007</caption> <tr title="row 1"><td>111111<td>222222 <tr><td>333333<td title="col 4">444444 </table> </body></table> <form> <input type="text" size=25 title="Enter your email address here"> <input type="button" value="Submit" title="Click to submit!"> </form> <div title="End of this HowTo">End.</div>
It looks like
111111 | 222222 |
333333 | 444444 |
NOTE : IE can display *multi-line tooltip* but Firefox won't.
<span title="line 1 line 2">*multi-line tooltip*</span>