Restrict input to alphanumeric and uppercaseTag(s): Form Form
The first method should work in all browsers but does not prevent pasting from the mouse (onblur will work though). The second method works in a satisfactory way in IE6.
Method 1<input type="text" onkeydown="f(this)" onkeyup="f(this)" onblur="f(this)" onclick="f(this)" /> Method 2<input type="text" onattrmodified="g(this)" onpropertychange="g(this)" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function f(o){ o.value=o.value.toUpperCase().replace(/([^0-9A-Z])/g,""); } function g(o){ if(/[^0-9A-Z]/.test(o.value)){ o.value=o.value.toUpperCase().replace(/([^0-9A-Z])/g,""); } } </SCRIPT>
Method 1 Method 2
If you need only to restrict to uppercase then you can apply a specific style, no javascript is needed.
Thanks to RW Anderson for the tip!
<input type="text" style="text-transform: uppercase;" />
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An interesting effect is to restrict to lowercase and use a "small caps" font.
<input type="text" style="text-transform: lowercase;font-variant: small-caps;" />
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