Preload images and change them with a SELECTTag(s): Form
<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT> // preload images var img1 = new Image().src = "../images/jht.gif" var img2 = new Image().src = "../images/jsht.gif" var img3 = new Image().src = "../images/pht.gif" function setImage(imageSelect) { theImageIndex = imageSelect.options[imageSelect.selectedIndex].value; if (document.images) document.images[0].src = eval("img" + theImageIndex); } </SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY> <FORM NAME="theForm" METHOD="POST"> <TABLE><TR><TD>Images: <TD> <SELECT NAME="items" onChange="setImage(this)"> <OPTION VALUE="1">Java How-to <OPTION VALUE="2">Javascript How-to <OPTION VALUE="3">Powerbuilder How-to </SELECT> <TD><IMG SRC = "../images/jht.gif" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=200> </TABLE></FORM></BODY></HTML>
NOTE : Preloading is possible without using Javascript.
<style type="text/css"> preload {display:none;} </style> <img src="../images/jht.gif" alt="java how to" title="java how to" class="preload"> <img src="../images/jsht.gif" alt="javascript how to" title="javascript how to" class="preload"> <img src="../images/pht.gif" alt="powerbuilder how to" title="powerbuilder how to" class="preload">
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