Set the listbox widthTag(s): AWT
The width can be specified via the preferredSize method. This class lets you specify a font (fixed pitch) and calculate the appropriate width in pixels.
class myListbox extends List { int width; int height; public myListbox(int r, int n, boolean m){ // (r) line number, (n) width, (m) multiselect this(r, n, m, new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 10)); width = n; height = r; } public myListbox(int r, int n, boolean m, Font f){ super(r,m); width = n; height = r; setFont(f); } public Dimension preferredSize (){ FontMetrics fm=getFontMetrics(getFont()); // the character W used as reference return new Dimension (fm.charWidth('W')*width, fm.getHeight()*height); } }