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Powerscript HowTo
- General
chevron_rightGet the PBL name
chevron_rightTime the execution
chevron_rightRename an object
chevron_rightGet the numeric value for a color
chevron_rightRetrieve an environment variable
chevron_rightCommon XP environment variables
chevron_rightBlank an array
chevron_rightMake a reference to an instance variable from a Menu
chevron_rightMake a reference to a Menu from a frame or a sheet
chevron_rightGet the Frame from a sheet
chevron_rightGet the remainder of a decimal
chevron_rightDetect PB version
chevron_rightMake a window stay "on top"
chevron_rightAttach a menu in a response window
chevron_rightNavigate through a Tab control with keyboard
chevron_rightRemove the rtf information from the rte content
chevron_rightCapitalize a name
chevron_rightConvert an hex string to its decimal equivalent
chevron_rightHave a window close itself after a delay
chevron_rightHave a "mouse-over" on a component
chevron_rightConvert a number to hexadecimal
chevron_rightEvaluate an expression
chevron_rightDetect if running in PB or executable
chevron_rightChange text on a button to bold
chevron_rightSort an array
chevron_rightGet data from the Internet
chevron_rightTransform a KeyCode! to a String
chevron_rightUse the undocumented INDIRECT keyword
chevron_rightEncrypt/Decrypt a string
chevron_rightCheck if an event is supported by an object
chevron_rightCheck if an object definition exists
chevron_rightHave a button with many lines
chevron_rightDisplay Powerbuilder's easter egg
chevron_rightClose a window with ESC
chevron_rightTerminate an another application
chevron_rightGet the current function/function name
chevron_rightSend email with attachment (MAPI)
chevron_rightUse a Java class (PB9)
chevron_rightKnow more about the Java support in PB9
chevron_rightCheck if the current user belongs a specific Windows group/role
chevron_rightEnable/disable a component from its name
chevron_rightEncode and display character using hex code
chevron_rightUse the clipboard
chevron_rightOverload a global function
chevron_rightOverride system functions
chevron_rightUnicode String versus ANSI String (PB10)
chevron_rightRemove accented letters from a String
- File
chevron_rightGet the execution path of the current application
chevron_rightGet the current directory
chevron_rightChange directory
chevron_rightCreate or remove a directory
chevron_rightRename a file
chevron_rightGenerate a unique filename
chevron_rightDetermine the TEMP directory designated for temporary files.
chevron_rightCheck if a file is open from another process
chevron_rightRead big file (>32765 bytes)
chevron_rightSet File Attribute
chevron_rightBrowse for a folder using the standard Win dialog
chevron_rightRetrieve a file timestamp
chevron_rightConvert a short pathname to a long
chevron_rightTruncate a long path with ellipses
- Date
chevron_rightValidate a date
chevron_rightObtain the day of the year
chevron_rightObtain the week of the year
chevron_rightSet the system date/time
chevron_rightObtain the last day of a month
chevron_rightGet the time and date from a server