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Convert the datatypes from Microsoft Win API to PowerBuilderTag(s): WinAPI/Registry

Bool          Boolean
Char*         Ref String
Colorref      Ulong
Dword         Ulong
Handle        Ulong
Hdc           Ulong
Hfile         Ulong
Hinstance     Ulong
Hwnd          Ulong
Int           Int
Lparam        Ulong
Lpbyte        Ref Long
Lpdword       Ref Ulong
Lpfiletime    Ref Time
Lpint         Ref Long
Lpstr,Lpststr Ref String
Lpvoid        Ref Struct struct_inst
Mcierror      Long
Lpstr,Lpststr Ref String
Lpvoid        Ref Struct struct_inst
Pbyte         Ref Long[#]
Short         Int
Structure     Ref Struct Struct_inst
Uint          Uint
Void**        SUBROUTINE
Word          Ulong
Wparam        Ulong